All files dom.ts

87.3% Statements 110/126
71.66% Branches 43/60
90% Functions 18/20
87.3% Lines 110/126

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import * as types from './types';
import * as throws from './throws';
 * ID から要素取得を強制。
 * @param elementId
 * @param elementType
 * @returns
 * @throws {throws.NotFoundDomSelectorError} セレクタから要素が見つからない
 * @throws {throws.ElementTypeError} 要素に指定された型が合わない
export function requireElementById<THtmlElement extends HTMLElement>(elementId: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<THtmlElement>): THtmlElement {
	const result = document.getElementById(elementId);
	if (!result) {
		throw new throws.NotFoundDomSelectorError(elementId);
	if (elementType) {
		if (!types.instanceOf(result, elementType)) {
			throw new throws.ElementTypeError(`${} != ${}`);
	return result as THtmlElement;
 * セレクタから要素取得を強制。
 * @param element
 * @param selectors
 * @returns
export function requireSelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(element: ParentNode, selectors: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireSelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireSelector<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(element: ParentNode, selectors: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireSelector<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireSelector<TElement extends Element = Element>(selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): TElement;
export function requireSelector<TElement extends Element = Element>(element: ParentNode, selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): TElement;
export function requireSelector<TElement extends Element = Element>(element: ParentNode | string | null, selectors?: string | types.Constructor<TElement>, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): TElement {
	if (types.isString(element)) {
		if (selectors) {
			Iif (types.isString(selectors)) {
				throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
			} else {
				elementType = selectors;
		selectors = element;
		element = null;
	} else {
		Iif (types.isUndefined(selectors)) {
			throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
		} else Iif (!types.isString(selectors)) {
			throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
	const result = (element ?? document).querySelector(selectors);
	if (!result) {
		throw new throws.NotFoundDomSelectorError(selectors);
	if (elementType) {
		if (!types.instanceOf(result, elementType)) {
			throw new throws.ElementTypeError(`${} != ${}`);
	return result as TElement;
 * セレクタに一致する要素リストの取得を強制。
 * @param element
 * @param selectors
export function requireSelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(element: ParentNode, selectors: K): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
export function requireSelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
export function requireSelectorAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(element: ParentNode, selectors: K): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;
export function requireSelectorAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;
export function requireSelectorAll<TElement extends Element = Element>(selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): NodeListOf<TElement>;
export function requireSelectorAll<TElement extends Element = Element>(element: ParentNode, selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): NodeListOf<TElement>;
export function requireSelectorAll<TElement extends Element = Element>(element: ParentNode | string | null, selectors?: string | types.Constructor<TElement>, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): NodeListOf<TElement> {
	if (types.isString(element)) {
		if (selectors) {
			Iif (types.isString(selectors)) {
				throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
			} else {
				elementType = selectors;
		selectors = element;
		element = null;
	} else {
		Iif (types.isUndefined(selectors)) {
			throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
		} else Iif (!types.isString(selectors)) {
			throw new throws.MismatchArgumentError('selectors');
	const result = (element ?? document).querySelectorAll<TElement>(selectors);
	Iif (!result) {
		throw new throws.NotFoundDomSelectorError(selectors);
	if (elementType) {
		for (const elm of result) {
			if (!types.instanceOf(elm, elementType)) {
				throw new throws.ElementTypeError(`elm ${elm} != ${}`);
	return result;
 * セレクタから先祖要素を取得。
 * @param selectors
 * @param element
 * @returns
export function requireClosest<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(element: Element, selectors: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireClosest<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(element: Element, selectors: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];
export function requireClosest<E extends Element = Element>(element: Element, selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<E>): E;
export function requireClosest<TElement extends Element = Element>(element: Element, selectors: string, elementType?: types.Constructor<TElement>): Element {
	const result = element.closest(selectors);
	if (!result) {
		throw new throws.NotFoundDomSelectorError(selectors);
	if (elementType) {
		if (!types.instanceOf(result, elementType)) {
			throw new throws.ElementTypeError(`${} != ${}`);
	return result;
 * 対象要素から所属する `Form` 要素を取得する。
 * @param element `Form` に所属する要素。
 * @returns
export function getParentForm(element: Element): HTMLFormElement {
	return requireClosest(element, 'form');
 * テンプレートを実体化。
 * @param selectors
export function cloneTemplate(selectors: string): DocumentFragment;
export function cloneTemplate(element: HTMLTemplateElement): DocumentFragment;
export function cloneTemplate(input: string | HTMLTemplateElement): DocumentFragment {
	if (typeof input === 'string') {
		const element = requireSelector(input, HTMLTemplateElement);
		input = element;
	const result = input.content.cloneNode(true);
	return result as DocumentFragment;
 * 要素生成処理の構築。
 * @param tagName
 * @param options
export function createFactory<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(tagName: K, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
/** @deprecated */
export function createFactory<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>(tagName: K, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>;
export function createFactory<THTMLElement extends HTMLElement>(tagName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<THTMLElement>;
export function createFactory(tagName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElement> {
	const element = document.createElement(tagName, options);
	return new TagFactory(element);
 * 要素の追加位置。
export const enum AttachPosition {
	/** 最後。 */
	/** 最初。 */
	/** 直前。 */
	/** 直後。 */
 * 指定した要素から見た特定の位置に要素をくっつける
 * @param parent 指定要素。
 * @param position 位置。
 * @param factory 追加する要素。
export function attach(parent: Element, position: AttachPosition, factory: NodeFactory): Node;
export function attach<TElement extends Element = Element>(parent: Element, position: AttachPosition, factory: TagFactory<TElement>): TElement;
export function attach(parent: Element, position: AttachPosition, node: Node): Node;
export function attach(parent: Element, position: AttachPosition, node: Node | NodeFactory): Node {
	if (isNodeFactory(node)) {
		node = node.element;
	switch (position) {
		case AttachPosition.Last:
			return parent.appendChild(node);
		case AttachPosition.First:
			return parent.insertBefore(node, parent.firstChild);
		case AttachPosition.Previous:
			Iif (!parent.parentNode) {
				throw new TypeError('parent.parentNode');
			return parent.parentNode.insertBefore(node, parent);
		case AttachPosition.Next:
			Iif (!parent.parentNode) {
				throw new TypeError('parent.parentNode');
			return parent.parentNode.insertBefore(node, parent.nextSibling);
			throw new throws.NotImplementedError();
function isNodeFactory(arg: unknown): arg is NodeFactory {
	return types.hasObject(arg, 'element');
 * ノード生成処理。
export interface NodeFactory {
	//#region property
	readonly element: Node;
 * テキストノード生成処理。
export class TextFactory implements NodeFactory {
	constructor(public readonly element: Text) {
 * 要素生成処理。
export class TagFactory<TElement extends Element> implements NodeFactory {
	constructor(public readonly element: TElement) {
	public createTag<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(tagName: K, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
	/** @deprecated */
	public createTag<K extends keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap>(tagName: K, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap[K]>;
	public createTag<THTMLElement extends HTMLElement>(tagName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<THTMLElement>;
	public createTag(tagName: string, options?: ElementCreationOptions): TagFactory<HTMLElement> {
		const createdElement = document.createElement(tagName, options);
		const nodeFactory = new TagFactory(createdElement);
		return nodeFactory;
	public createText(text: string): TextFactory {
		const createdNode = document.createTextNode(text);
		const nodeFactory = new TextFactory(createdNode);
		return nodeFactory;
 * 中身を破棄。
 * @param element
export function clearContent(element: InnerHTML): void {
	element.innerHTML = '';
 * カスタムデータ属性のケバブ名を dataset アクセス可能な名前に変更
 * @param kebab データ属性名。
 * @param removeDataAttributeBegin 先頭の `data-`* を破棄するか。
export function toCustomKey(kebab: string, removeDataAttributeBegin: boolean = true): string {
	const dataHead = 'data-';
	if (removeDataAttributeBegin && kebab.startsWith(dataHead)) {
		kebab = kebab.substring(dataHead.length);
	return kebab
		.map((item, index) => index
			? item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.slice(1).toLowerCase()
			: item.toLowerCase()
 * データ属性から値を取得。
 * @param element 要素。
 * @param dataKey データ属性名。
 * @param removeDataAttributeBegin 先頭の `data-` を破棄するか。
 * @returns
export function getDataset(element: HTMLOrSVGElement, dataKey: string, removeDataAttributeBegin: boolean = true): string {
	const key = toCustomKey(dataKey, removeDataAttributeBegin);
	const value = element.dataset[key];
	if (types.isUndefined(value)) {
		throw new Error(`${element}.${key}`);
	return value;
 * データ属性から値を取得。
 * @param element 要素。
 * @param dataKey データ属性名。
 * @param fallback 取得失敗時の返却値。
 * @param removeDataAttributeBegin 先頭の `data-`* を破棄するか。
 * @returns
export function getDatasetOr(element: HTMLOrSVGElement, dataKey: string, fallback: string, removeDataAttributeBegin: boolean = true): string {
	const key = toCustomKey(dataKey, removeDataAttributeBegin);
	const value = element.dataset[key];
	if (types.isUndefined(value)) {
		return fallback;
	return value;
type HtmlTagName = Uppercase<keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap | keyof SVGElementTagNameMap> | Lowercase<keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | keyof HTMLElementDeprecatedTagNameMap | keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>;
 * 要素のタグ名の一致判定。
 * @param element 対象要素
 * @param value タグ名
 * @returns
export function equalTagName(element: Element, value: HtmlTagName): boolean;
export function equalTagName(element: Element, value: string): boolean;
export function equalTagName(element: Element, value: Element): boolean
export function equalTagName(element: Element, value: string | Element): boolean {
	if (!types.isString(value)) {
		value = value.tagName;
	if (element.tagName === value) {
		return true;
	return element.tagName.toUpperCase() === value.toUpperCase();
 * 指定要素を兄弟間で上下させる。
 * @param current 対象要素。
 * @param isUp 上に移動させるか(偽の場合下に移動)。
export function moveElement(current: HTMLElement, isUp: boolean): void {
	const refElement = isUp
		? current.previousElementSibling
		: current.nextElementSibling
	Iif (refElement) {
		const newItem = isUp ? current : refElement;
		const oldItem = isUp ? refElement : current;
		current.parentElement!.insertBefore(newItem, oldItem);